Atelier-Architecture & Urban Design Unit


Academic Year 2020-2021

Instructor: Prof. Roberta Ingaramo; Prof. Riccardo Pollo




Our site is located in an isolated island area formed by the intersection of two subway lines. There are residential communities, some service buildings, Industry, and some abandoned spaces around the site. The transportation around the site is convenient. There are Line 4 and Line 42. The building height around the site is approximately At the height of the building around the 7th floor, it can be seen from the masterplan that there is no green space in the site.We used the urban sawing method to design the site in the early stage. Three entrances and exits were set up on the 3 sides of the site, and each entrance was designed to enlarge the space, so that the site had a positive connection with the surrounding environment.The space on the north side of the site is relatively empty, and the building area on the south side occupies 2/3 of the entire site. We designed a road running through the north and south in the middle of the site to make the transportation of the entire site more convenient.