Square Park


Academic Year 2020-2021

Instructor: Prof. Andrea Gritti; Prof. Massimo Crotti


By studying the buffer zone area, we realized that ivrea presents a lack of common spaces for the population, despite the fact that there are many residents in this area. Having common spaces that gather the population is very important to give a greater identity to the place. We started thinking about the guidelines that could guide us in the design, in fact what we tried to do is to combine the part built with nature, very present in this place. To design a public space, we tried to understand what the needs of the population could be, based on the functions already present in the place. We have identified ten places without a specific destination but with great potential, which could be opened up. Four in the unesco site, four in the district of Canton Vesco and the Sacca and two in Bellavista. To create a greater connection between the districts and the chosen places, we have outlined a cycle and pedestrian path with major and minor routes, which seek to give greater unity. We chose three of these places, one for each district, which we decided to investigate in order to understand what the population needed and how we could give greater quality to the area. Through a functional diagram and the identification of the main characteristics of the district, we have tried to design public spaces that respect the characteristics and functions of the place. The result is three very different public places, but all of them try to offer a meeting point to the community through different functions.